This anime narrating concerning two young man which reside in one school is “Deimon Private Senior High School”. Both this young man is Kobayakawa Sena and Yoichi Hiruma, they have different ability. Sena have ability in power that is running and Hiruma have ability in technique that is strategy.
Hiruma is football team captain in school, he is know ability of Sena with speed his running. Captain Yoichi Hiruma who forces Sena to join his team named “Deimon Devil Bats”.
Finally this team find player which they look for during the time that is Sena. He is nicknamed by "Eyeshield", because he wear eye-shade at the protector of head of to prevent identity he was known by others and their covering ground from here
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Eyeshield 21 Vol.1 | English | PDF Format
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Bleach tell a story concerning Ichigo Kurosaki, a student in senior high school getting ability to see soul from a soul reaper (Shinigami).
At one day Ichigo meet with Rukia Kuchiki, she is a soul reaper (Shinigami) which on the trail of evil spirit called by Hollow. When Rukia giving battle with Hollow, she injures and because that is doesn’t have other way besides removing her Shinigami ability and strength to Ichigo.
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Bleach is popular and cool anime, now you can read in the form of comic. Come on download free Bleach Comic in Vol 1. Each week I'll give new story of Bleach in the next volume.
Bleach (The Death and The Strawberry) Vol.1 | English | PDF Format
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English | PDF Format
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One Piece Vol.2
English | PDF Format
Read story continuation of Luffy and his friends